WISP-1 – Smile First

This is our first in a new offering called Weekly Intention Setting Partnership. I wanted to send this first one to everyone because maybe it’s exactly what you need to add in 2019 to help you subtract so much other stuff that isn’t serving you. If you love it and you want the accountability of me keeping up with your intentions each Tuesday you can sign up to keep this Weekly Intention Setting Partnership hitting your inbox here. Want more details about this check it out here and of course if you have a question click reply and you get right into my inbox. 

Good Morning!

It’s our first week together in the Weekly Intention Setting Partnership or as I’m going to reference it in the subject line so you can easily find them in your inbox: WISP.

This is a partnership because as you set your intention for the week you’re going to reply to the email and say “All set!” or maybe you’ll even want to share your intention for a little extra personal accountability. I’ll check in with you on Tuesday if you haven’t set your intention (Hi there Accountability!) and I’ll pop in personally to see how you’re doing on your intention. The timing is somehow always perfect and the magic of that is something I treasure.

It’s Sunday! (I know! I had to check the calendar a few times as I’m writing this in disbelief.) It’s time to set our intentions for the week ahead. Intention setting can be really complicated or very simple and it’s all up to you but at it’s root it’s answering this question:

How do I want to show up? 

This has nothing to do with all your to-do’s, it doesn’t matter who or what is on your path, it’s an inside job.

Smile (and that part’s important because much better thoughts come into your head when you’re smiling than when you’ve got a grimace – you know it’s true) and then give yourself a few moments to jot down in a notepad on your phone or on your to-do list or your planner sheet for the week the answer to this question: How do I want to show up?

My intention this week: To be patient and do one thing at a time.

If you want WISP-2 in your inbox in a week sign up here. There’s no catching up and there’s no falling behind. If it feels right I’d be so excited to share this with you.