Money, mindset, resources and side-hustle entrepreneurship with Brianna Firestone – A Real Women in Buisness interview with Cass McCrory

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In this episode, we meet Brianna Firestone, an entrepreneur and director of marketing and strategy insights. She founded The School of Betty, a place created for women to learn how to creatively manage their money, time, and energy for more fulfilling lives. We cover Bri’s journey from a recent college graduate to different turns her career path took in different seasons of life. We talk about the baggage we carry around with us, the value in finding a true community, and the importance of financial literacy – not Accounting 101, but the real-life work of managing money and happiness.

Bri reflects on moving to New York when she was 21 to pursue a passion of hers, the role of her upbringing in how she thinks about money, and the value in allowing yourself to dream. She shares the single realization that started her full-time hustle, The School of Betty: “All of these lightbulbs went off and I truly had this magical experience of connecting the dots between emotions and our money and finally had the moment where I realized I wasn’t happy.”


You can find The School of Betty online at, on Instagram @theschoolofbetty, and on Facebook @bettyschool.

If you’re curious about Mondo Beyondo, visit Andrea Scher’s website here: