A step in the wrong direction is still a step in the right direction if you are stuck.

My TEDx talk turns 1 in 12 days! To celebrate I thought I might share some things I’ve been thinking about since I shared Finding Your Best Next Step.  A step in the wrong direction is still a step in the right direction if you are stuck.  Have…

What to do BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER an Event.

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What to do BEFORE. The runway that you have before an event is going to help you make the most of the time you have during the actual event. Here are a few things you'll want to do before the event to make sure you're set-up for success. You…

Take a great LinkedIn headshot at home (or in the office)

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Take a great LinkedIn headshot at home (or in the office). What to wear, where to take the photo, how to pose and what to edit.

An Introverts Guide to Networking & Connecting

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Introverts Guide to Networking & Connecting. Being an introvert makes you a thoughtful, intentional networker, adding value to everyone you interact with. Learn to network as an introvert.

How to Bounce Back (and Move Forward)

You've had a setback you want to bounce back from. Let's use it as a jumping-off point. You don't want to get back; you want to move forward.

Why Are Women Leaving the Workforce? It’s not just because of COVID.

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You can read on below or listen here: "More than 2.3 million women have left the labor force since last February." reported by Fortune. "Women have left" feels somehow wrong, doesn't it? In the face of every gender equality mission…

The Secret to Broccoli, Work and Maybe Life

I make the best broccoli. I know this because I have converted people that have hated broccoli for decades of their lives to be true LOVERS of broccoli, people that dislike ALL vegetables go wild for my broccoli, small children who I have taught…

The Best Summer Ever (yes, this one)

The other day my kids were lamenting about the summer being almost over and how we haven't done some things that they really like to do. I too have missed our annual pilgrimage to the ocean or a day spent in the inside of a trampoline park while…

How to take good care of yourself physically and energetically with speaker and author Janet McKee

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Learn more about Janet McKee at http://janetmckee.com/ for access to her Amazon Bestseller Stressless Success or get started with her 3-day Banish Burnout plan at https://janetmckee.mykajabi.com/stressless-success-book.

Creating Connection with Friends and Within Ourselves with Deborah Olson

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Deborah Olson is a women’s emotional health specialist, speaker, and award-winning author of The Healing Power of Girlfriends: How to Create Your Best Life Through Female Connection. As the owner of Galleria Area Counseling in Houston,…

Staying Calm & Focused and Living with Greater Intention with Sara Robinson

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Follow Sara online: https://completeperformancecoaching.com/meet-coach-sara/ https://getmombalanced.com https://www.facebook.com/GetMomBalanced/ https://www.pinterest.com/getmombalanced/ https://twitter.com/GetMomBalance…